Do you struggle with budgeting? Do you want to budget — or think you “should” budget — but have no idea where to start?
Join me for a 75 minutes Budgeting Basics Zoom Class on Sunday, January 30th at 12 pm EST, 7 pm IST.
Space is limited to 20 students.
Who is this budgeting class for?
This is a class for people who see themselves as budgeting beginners — or even pre-beginners. Many of you have never made a budget before, but feel like you “should”. Some of you have tried making a budget, but realized pretty quickly that it “just isn’t for you”. You may even feel like keeping track of your expenses is akin to trying to nail jello to a wall.
What will this class teach you?
This class will teach you the brass tacks of making a realistic budget that you can actually stick to. You will learn my three-tiered priority system, and get actionable next steps, which you can start implementing as soon as the class ends. My system will work for anyone — no matter where you live, how much you make, and what your current expenses are.
How long will this class take?
I will teach for 45-60 minutes, followed by a question & answer period of 15-20 minutes.
How will I join the class?
Once you register for the class, a new screen will pop up with the Zoom link. I will also email you immediately with the Zoom link to our class. If you have any questions before (or after!), just shoot me an email.
Why is there a charge for this class?
Although I have offered this class for free in the past, I decided after my last class that I will be charging a nominal fee of $10 to participate. I run this class 3-4 times per year, and limit it to the first 20 students so you can feel comfortable asking questions. When I offered this class last quarter, only 9 students attended after 20 had signed up. While I definitely understanding that "life happens", I want to try to maximize the spaces for students who are able to commit to joining me "live" for the class. If this time doesn't work for you, I will be offering another class before Pesach - stay tuned!